3 Ways to Take of a Festival Band Without Damage

If you have gone to any type of festival or convention, you know those fabric wristbands are a bitch to get off.  And majority of the time you end up taking the scissors to it.  If you’re like me, you would like to keep them intact for memory sake — or it’s common for people to want to wear them again.

Here is a quick video I created to help you take them off without damaging them.  Sometimes one way just doesn’t work for you, so you have to move on to another method.  So hopefully you will find one that helps.  Does anyone have any other methods besides the three in the video they use?


1. Twist It Off

  • Twist the ends of the band till it’s too tight to twist anymore
  • Hold it taught so the twist doesn’t loosen
  • Now twist the black clasp off (this can take several tries to figure out which way to turn it)

2. Throw It In the Bag

  • Put a small bag over your hand
  • Pull the wristband over the bag
  • Inch the wrist band up till it won’t go up anymore
  • Pull the bag off by grabbing the bottom, and pulling straight up

3. Lube Her Up

  • Put a generous amount of thick lotion or cream all over your hand and wrist
  • Slide it right off

Help Me Help Foster Kids

There are nearly 20,000 foster kids living in the Pacific Northwest, and many of them miss out on important childhood experiences, such as going to summer camp, playing a team sport, or taking music lessons. That’s why I’m raising money to participate in this year’s Pajama Bowl for Foster Kids.

You can help, too! Pledge a donation to our team, Apex Learning, and it will go directly to the foster kids in our community. Even if it’s just $5, it helps a kid out there.

Just go to our team page to place your donation http://lnkd.in/8iBXh7

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Who Would You Pay Hundreds to See?

This is a quick post to hear peoples’ opinions.

My friend recently payed $300 to see Ed Sheeran at his sold out show in Vancouver, BC.  My first reaction was, that’s fucking insane!    His response “He puts his heart on stage”.  But then I  thought about it, there is ONE artists I would play hundreds to see live, that’s Kylie Minogue.  I have just always loved her since a child, all of her music.  And from her millions of concert videos, she puts on an AMAZING show.  Fun fact, she has never been to Seattle.

So my question to you, who would you pay hundreds to see live? Or already have?


Here are some of the twitter responses